On May 31, in a federal Washington, D.C. court,a federal judge sentenced 75-year-old Paulette Harlow to two years in prison and 36 months of supervised release for protesting at a notorious late-term abortion clinic in Washington, D.C. with eight others.
Because Joe Biden exploited a federal law protecting abortion clinics from actual violence and another law meant to stop the KKK to throw Paulette and pro-life aadvocates like her in prison for expressing their First Amendment rights to protest abortion.
John Harlow, Paulette’s husband, spoke in court before the sentencing about his concerns for his wife’s declining health and his fear that she might die in prison.
“In my heart, I think she’s having a hard time staying alive,” John said, according to LiveAction. “We’ve tried to be good people,” he later added. “I love my wife dearly… We’re throwing ourselves on the mercy of the court.” […]
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