One of the more interesting developments in recent years is how some leftists of varying degrees have felt compelled to abandon or even turn against their comrades who are pushing the limits of their ideology to extreme ends.
A recent example of that is renowned atheist Richard Dawkins resigning from the board of the Freedom from Religion Foundation after that organization rejected biology and science to embrace a pro-transgender position, Fox News reported.
Dawkins and two other board members resigned in protest after the FFRF took down a scientific fact-based rebuttal article authored by one of them in response to a psychology and emotion-based pro-trans piece published by an FFRF fellow that was promoted by the anti-religion organization.
Facts vs. feelings
According to The Telegraph, the controversy began in November when “non-binary” FFRF fellow Kat Grant published on the group’s website a pro-transgender article titled “What is a Woman?,” which asserted things like “any attempt to define womanhood on biological terms is inadequate” as well as that “a woman is whoever she says she is.”
In response, FFRF Honorary Board member Prof. Jerry Coyne published on the same website a rebuttal piece titled “Biology is not Bigotry,” in which he used science and basic biological facts to refute the arguments made by Grant. […]
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