BlackRock boss Larry Fink is a leader in multiple key Deep State organizations including the Council on Foreign Relations, the World Economic Forum, and the Trilateral Commission, explains The New American magazine Senior Editor Alex Newman in part 3 of this series on BlackRock for Behind The Deep State. Fink actually serves on the board of directors of the globalist CFR, Deep State HQ in the United States, and on the board of trustees for the WEF, which is pushing the Great Reset and working to bring business into the New World Order. Alex also explains the significance of these groups.
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He should face criminal charges for subversion and creating riots. Manipulation of our elections and economy. Bribing politicians and judges. And numerous other crimes. If he thinks ‘We the people’ should ‘own nothing and be happy’, maybe he should lead by example. Confiscate his wealth and see how he does. Spread the word.
right the sheriff of the county he lives in should arrest him immediately
I went through my retirement account from my employer, I found a couple of Blackrock investments which I sold immediately. These investments will underperform when directed by someone who is more concerned with gender identity than profit.
How APROPOS: Larry F I N K. Blackrock’s plans are to BUY UP ALL AVAILABLE PROPERTIES. If they can they will destroy existing buildings to BRING THE CITY CRAP EVERYWHERE.
This CABAL is worse than any thing of our country. DEVIANT and DEVISIVE, but the ORGANISM has enough STOLEN DOLLARS to interfere in just about anything ‘it’ wants.
Larry F I N K – a G E O R G E S O R O S wannabe with perhaps even more EVIL intentions for all of us.
The elite know there will be too much NON COMPLIANCE – so they are spraying the air they are putting the mRNA in the ‘natural’ products – they do not plan to loose this battle their leader demands it! I hope you all know who their ultimate master is. Lucifer the ultimate leader in this realm!
His “Aladdin Software” that he apparently developed leaves many questions. Is it AI generated? Does it think on its own? Is it capable of causing the coming economic collapse without being suspect? Is it linked to the “New AI” sweeping the ChatGPT’s and forthcoming “all source of knowledge (whether fabricated or not)”? And finally, what do we really know about the son of an Ashkenazi Jewish bookstore owner and his Music Teacher wife (source The New Templars and Dylan on Rumble)? Pretty phenomenal rags-to-riches story (more like rags to most-powerful-man in the world few know).