Hunter Biden’s public embarrassment continues. Last week, Hunter Biden’s sweetheart plea deal catastrophically fell apart in court before U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika. One of the reasons the plea deal fell apart is because Judge Noreika didn’t approve of the blanket immunity that Hunter would receive for all alleged crimes from 2014–2018 as a result of the plea deal.
Now the details of the plea deal have been made public. As reported:
“The plea agreement that blew up last week during Hunter Biden’s court appearance was made public Wednesday, revealing new information about the tax and gun charges involving the president’s son.
The documents, which U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika made public at the request of NBC News, provide detailed accounts of the cases surrounding the criminal charges, with fact sets that were agreed to by Biden’s lawyers and federal prosecutors in Delaware. . . .
The deal wound up being scrapped — at least temporarily — because of questions the judge raised last week in court about the proposed agreements.
‘These agreements are not straightforward and they contain some atypical provisions,’ Noreika said, including one that could theoretically protect Biden from other tax-related crimes.”
As ACLJ Chief Counsel Jay Sekulow, pointed out: A judge rejecting a plea deal is very rare. Some highly concerning details must have caused the deal to fall apart.
Judge Noreika followed the law correctly in not sweeping Hunter’s alleged crimes under the rug just to appease a Deep State DOJ. Too much smoke is swirling around the Biden family right now with charges of financial impropriety that must be fully investigated.
The revealed documents also go into some rather disturbing details that were the chief contributing factors to his failure to pay taxes and illegally owning a handgun. Of note to us, reportedly, a third party even paid Hunter’s tax bill of almost $2 million in 2021, which is not illegal . . . but highly irregular. The documents also detail that Hunter Biden was doing business with companies in Ukraine, China, and Romania.
Again, supposedly Hunter never discussed any of these business deals with President Joe Biden while his father was serving as Vice President. President Joe Biden denies that any business discussions ever took place, despite Biden confidant Devon Archer testifying otherwise.
Let’s compare the special treatment Hunter Biden is getting as opposed to our newest whistleblower client, FBI Special Agent Garret O’Boyle. After exposing the FBI for targeting pro-lifers, FBI Special Agent O’Boyle faced the wrath of the FBI, being suspended without pay for almost a year, likely because of his willingness to tell the truth.
The Deep State FBI tried to destroy this brave hero. We are excited to announce we will interview Garret O’Boyle on tomorrow’s Sekulow broadcast. You don’t want to miss it.
Or compare Hunter’s treatment to former President Donald Trump, whose arraignment is scheduled for 4 p.m. today in Washington, D.C. As we pointed out yesterday, Trump faces criminal charges for his BELIEF that the 2020 presidential election was stolen. Whether you believe Trump’s claims or not, in America you can’t put a man in jail merely for believing something. If they can unconstitutionally imprison the President for his belief, they could one day do the same to you.
Today’s Seukulow broadcast also featured an interview with Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose to discuss the upcoming vote in Ohio on Issue 1, which would raise the threshold to 60% of statewide votes for a change to the Ohio state constitution. This change would prevent future radical abortion laws from being easily passed in Ohio.
Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose explained the importance of passing Issue 1:
“It’s about the fight for life and liberty, and we are on the front lines of this here in Ohio as we speak. As you mentioned, the radical Left is trying to get a really extreme abortion amendment [passed]. . . . And so we’re making a stand and saying it shouldn’t be so easy to amend the Ohio constitution. It’s been at 50% plus one for 100 years. We want to raise it to 60%, where really, it should have been all along. As you know, it’s not easy to amend the U.S. Constitution. It shouldn’t be so easy for out-of-state special interests groups to come into Ohio and amend our state constitution.”
Since the overturning of Roe, the battle for life has been in the states. We fervently hope Issue 1 gets passed in Ohio to ensure the future safety of the unborn. Legislation like this is a great reminder of why voting in state elections is so important – your vote could literally save lives.
Later, ACLJ Senior Counsel for Global Affairs Mike Pompeo joined to discuss Biden’s questionable foreign business deals and other global issues. We also highlighted the brand-new Life & Liberty Drive that focuses on the ACLJ’s efforts to preserve life and liberty in America and worldwide.