In a groundbreaking legal battle, over 100 January 6 political prisoners have come together to file what is being hailed...
The majority of abortions in the United States are now committed through the abortion pill, and a new study has...
On Thursday, several lawmakers expressed condemnation of an op-ed in The Hill that urged members of Congress to try and...
We have 24 days left before we finally see the end of Joe Biden’s disastrous presidency and the inauguration of...
They say that victory has a thousand fathers but defeat is an orphan, but a liberal defeat seems to have...
Author and two-time presidential candidate Marianne Williamson is seeking a new position: Chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC). Williamson...
Jen Psaki said that Democrats in Congress missed a "big opportunity" in not backing Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) in her...
Catherine Pakaluk and Emily Reynolds’ new book, ‘Hannah’s Children,’ studies mothers of large families and concludes they may hold the...
Americans have been unintentionally sorting themselves for decades, moving to communities of like-minded people and turning states predominantly conservative or...
The story we’re about to share reveals a failed ten-year experiment by officials in San Francisco, who tried desperately to...
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