As most people know, the polls are skewed to favor Kamala Harris. The DNC also staged their production and headliners to make it seem like they have the momentum.
For example, in a recent Economist/YouGov poll, Harris beat Trump nationally 46 to 43%. That is somewhat meaningless since the Electoral College has the final say, but showing Kamala with a lead affects people’s thinking.
In any case, the data sampled 531 Democrats, only 387 Republicans, and 450 Independents. Meanwhile, there are more Republicans than Democrats in this country. According to current party affiliation, 41% are Independents, 30% are Republicans, and 28% are Democrats.
On Tuesday, Robert Calhally of Trafalgar Group told Rob Schmitt on Newsmax that the polls are skewed in several ways, including polling too few people or using online panels. Online people are not your regular voters. They have more time and are often enmeshed in politics. He added that they use what people are registered as but not what they identify as, which is not the same thing. […]
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