Watching the media/left-wing euphoria on national and state-level polling numbers since Democrat elites forced Joe Biden out of the presidential race and installed Kamala Harris in his place has been an exercise in frustration mixed with sprinklings of hilarity along the way.
But not long after the Democrat National Convention, reality soon intruded and the Harris-Walz political honeymoon fizzled to some extent, with GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump edging her out earlier this month in a Siena/New York Times national poll, as we previously reported. This is something that had not been expected considering the six weeks of fawning coverage she received.
The poll also showed that voters were eager for a candidate who could bring about change… and viewed Trump as a change agent over Harris 53 percent to 25 percent, which no doubt was a major blow to the Harris campaign as she’s laughably been promoting herself as the change candidate despite being the current Vice President.
And even though the pundit class and some polls declared Harris the “winner” of perhaps the final presidential debate of 2024, on the issues that matter most to the American people – like the economy and illegal immigration – Trump scored high marks with poll respondents and focus group participants, confirming that the impressions taken from voters of that debate were a bit more nuanced than the Usual Suspects let on in their reporting and commentary. […]
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