In a report published by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, this month, it was revealed that Cuba attempted to influence the 2022 mid-term elections. The report also details attempts by China, Iran, and Russia to influence elections in the United States, and while Cuba’s interference was much smaller in scale, it was also far more focused.
Naturally, that focus was primarily on Florida, where Cuba ran “operations aimed at denigrating specific US candidates”, though the report notes that its scope probably wasn’t limited to Florida alone.
According to the Miami Herald:
The report, released by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, said that Cuban officials worked to build relationships with members of the American media who held critical views of Havana’s critics in Congress, and that a network of social media accounts “almost certainly covertly tied” to Cuba “amplified derogatory content” on U.S. politicians viewed as hostile to the Cuban state.
The declassified portion of the intelligence assessment does not name any specific individuals who were targeted, and much of the report’s section on Cuba’s activities are redacted. The assessment also does not say how effective Havana’s influence campaign was on Florida’s elections.
It’s a testament to the state of the American media that our enemies can use it as a petri dish to cultivate whatever mind virus they want to infect the public with. If only the targets of the Cuban operations weren’t redacted, because I’d love to see which U.S. politicians our enemies fear enough to want to keep out of office.