Tailah Scroggins felt dead inside. After growing up in a Christian home, she somehow fell into the occult, embracing astrology, witchcraft, and the new age. But after embarking on a dark journey and losing the will to live, she had an incredible interaction with Jesus that changed everything.
Today, Scroggins is an online evangelist, writer, and truth-teller on a mission to help others escape evil. She recently shared her story with “Billy Hallowell’s Playing With Fire Podcast,” explaining how she was raised in a Christian home and believed in God before stumbling into the occult.
She said she was first introduced to the New Age in high school when someone she trusted in her family came over and told her about astrology. “They had this big … textbook of everything astrology and they were like, ‘This describes my personality so perfectly — look what it says about you,'” Scroggins said. “I was caught off-guard, and I remember … I was like, ‘But how can this be true? If God created all of us and he made our personalities, how can a planet dictate my future or dictate my personality?'”
She said this was the first “seed of deception” the devil planted in her life, and her perspective started to shift. With her family friend stating God created astrology as a system “He put in order,” she started down what she now believes was a dangerous path. Watch her explain why she’s trying to help young people escape evil.
Are you kidding me, is she really that stupid ??? She left one cult because she doesn’t understand what it was about by jumping into another cult called Christianity. Yes it is a cult because there is no proof of its efficacy as a belief system, considering that most Christians seemingly support endless wars with perceived made-up enemies. Why would your bible have so many restrictions and rules if it was not a CONTROL MECHANISM, WHICH WAS DESIGNED BY THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN ITS EARLY YEARS.
Just who do you think the three wise men who came to see the newly born savior were? They were Astrologers and seers from the East, you know, where true spirituality came from. Today, Christians are suffering from, “The Stockholm Syndrome”. If you consider yourselves intelligent maybe you can tell me who your Jailer is !!!
Your moniker is noteworthy: “Ruplestiltskin”, an other-world imp who deceives. And your terminology is illuminating: “cult”. Can you even define the word? There is no rational argument to your post, just ad hominem and emotion.
Unless you choose to be willfully ignorant, you should ask for the gift of faith. At the very least, you should ponder Pascal’s Wager.