Anyone who has been to a hospital or doctor’s office lately has likely had a very different experience than what they’ve had in the past. Even during the height of the Plandemic, corporate media had to manufacture stories of hospitals being overloaded; when citizen journalists went to investigate hospitals that were allegedly maxed out, they found empty waiting rooms and no lines for admission.
While doctors and nurses were making TikTok dance videos, surpluses of ventilators were sitting in storage rooms. The narrative of overloaded hospitals was false for the most part. There were some hospitals that experienced short surges which crippled them temporarily, but it was nothing compared to what we’re seeing today.
With many if not most hospitals across the country experiencing sustained states of being over capacity, it’s conspicuous that corporate media isn’t touching the story. Only local news channels are even mentioning what appears to be a crisis that’s only going to get worse as we get into the winter months. Conspiracy theorists have latched onto two possibilities. One theory is that various diseases are being released into the wild to sicken the nation. The other major theory is that the Covid-19 “vaccines” have weakened immune systems to the point that people who could have easily fought of diseases in the past are struggling today. These theories are not mutually exclusive.
I tend to lean toward that second theory. In fact, whether the first theory is true or not, I am nearly 100% certain that vaxx-induced decimation of people’s immune system is contributing greatly to the surge in various ailments. Hospitals have been getting overloaded for months now, just as many “fringe” doctors had predicted. The timing is right following the mass vaccination campaigns of 2021 and the booster campaigns of 2022. Is the “Spike Protein Apocalypse” beginning?
Unfortunately, the phenomenon is affecting everyone, even the unvaccinated indirectly. Anecdotally, my family is in the process of recovering from strep throat acquired by my daughter from her vaccinated friends and spread to my wife and son. We were able to get a child’s prescription for antibiotics but my teen would have had to wait to get hers. With bacterial infections needing antibiotics immediately in order to mitigate damage, we had to break into my Jase Case to treat her. This annoyed me because I wanted to keep it untouched so I’d have it if the pharmaceutical supply chain broke down (which it appears to be doing now), but we have to do what we have to do. I can order another one soon… for now.
If the Covid jabs cause vaccine-induced immunodeficiencies, then what we are seeing today is happening right on cue. As bad as that news is, we are very likely seeing only the beginning stages of this “Spike Protein Apocalypse,” which means that 2023 could be devastating to our pharmaceutical supply chain. Considering the Chinese Communist Party controls 90% of the ingredients used in American pharmaceuticals, it behooves us all to stock up on whatever drugs we use today or may need tomorrow.
This article by S.D. Wells over at Natural News highlights the challenges we started seeing in the fall, including a focus on Virginia where massively overloaded hospitals started ringing the alarm bell in October. Don’t make the mistake of assuming this is just a passing phenomenon. It makes sense to prepare for a time when medical care and pharmaceuticals are not easy to get in the United States.
HOSPITALS MOBBED With Every Room and Even HALLWAYS Occupied With Portable Cots
The hospitals in Virginia are full, with nearly every room occupied, including the emergency rooms, and even portable cots in the halls are becoming the norm for the overflow. As witnessed by investigative reporters and journalists, several hospitals in major cities of Virginia are full past capacity, so not only is every room occupied, but many portable cots, with patients on them, are lined up in along the walls of the long halls and numbered.
It’s like a horror scene from a pandemic movie, and people are walking up and down the halls while patients are sleeping on cots with IV tubes in their arms, with people around them coughing and sneezing and carrying on about the bad conditions. It’s most likely a fire hazard also, with hardly enough staff members to assist the overflow of patients if an emergency evacuation situation should arise. One can only guess at the reasons for the mobbing of hospitals right now, but complaints can be heard in the waiting rooms, and at the check-in desk in the emergency rooms.
Patients are lined up for check-in, complaining of chest pains, high blood pressure, trouble breathing, and other symptoms that all seem to relate to spike protein syndrome – a critical illness caused by millions of prions that clog the vascular system and strain the heart and cleansing organs.
Big Pharma raking in the bucks as patients sleep on cots in hallways of major hospitals as the scamdemic rages on
Should you or a loved one spend the night in the hallway on a cot at an overcrowded hospital for any reason, the average cost of that overnight stay ranges from a whopping $9,300 on up to $13,600, depending on the type of coverage, or non-coverage, that you have. This is according to data collected from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, even though the quality of care when sleeping in the hallway at the emergency room leaves much to be desired.
Imagine how much money the hospitals are making with every room full, and all the hallways crowded with cots against the wall, spread out about every 10 feet with a sick person, even overnight. Police are having to battle ‘crazy’ people in fits of rage. In the middle of the night, police are having to escort crazed patients from the premises during “emergency lockdowns” in the emergency areas of hospitals.
Patients can’t even rest properly in the halls, with all the critical care machines beeping, opening of supply closets, nurses talking at full volume, and no emergency call buttons for the patients in the hallways to call for help. How can anyone get well or recover from surgery in conditions like this?
Someone could go to the emergency room because the spike proteins are causing tiny clogs in their vascular system, driving their heart to beat at irregular rhythms. They spend a night or two on a cot in the hallway, it costs them $25,000, and the doctors can’t figure out what’s wrong, after running very expensive CAT scans and other diagnostic tests. Then, after being exposed to lots of sick patients roaming the hallways with Fauci Flu and other RSVs, plus the risk of getting a superbug infection (think MRSA here) from the IVs and the dirty, crowded conditions, the visit to the hospital might serve as a ‘shovel’ for digging your own grave.
A ‘spike’ (pardon the pun) in illnesses has led to a shortage of hospital beds across Virginia, including for pediatric hospitalizations. For example, the Children’s Hospital of Richmond says they are operating at greater than 95 percent capacity. Could it have to do with compromised immune systems due to the Wuhan Flu injections and “boosters?” Since the deadly Covid jabs have been administered to teens and kids, there has been a 40 percent increase in pediatric hospitalizations. Looks like the Spike Protein Apocalypse has begun. How much worse can these hospital conditions become?
Sounds like it’s time to blame those darned video games, referee whistles, and cold showers again. Bookmark to your favorite independent websites for updates on experimental gene therapy injections the CDC and fake news claim are “safe and effective” when they’re really dangerous and health-damaging.
Sources for this article include:
Does anyone know what happens when mobs of people go into full blown terrified panic mode? Reinforce your windows and doors. The true madness has yet to begin. Harden your heart in order to survive. Good luck, one and all who deserve it and of course…
Your heart and your mind. You will be required to do very ugly things if you will survive.
Yes. Been there, done that. You must know from experience as do I.
Please show videos or other proof. thx.
He’s not your research assistant. Get off your lazy arse and do your own research.
He provided the sources, what else do you want?
They trusted the science…
“Authorities” demand that you “trust the science” but call the potion “safe and effective” even though it was classified as experimental. How can you call it safe and effective when it is mid-experiment? Makes no sense, hence pureblood.
This is a genuine question for which NO ONE seems to have a DEFINITIVE answer. Is there a way for the body to “regenerate” its NATURAL immunity/antibodies after the Death Jab? I lost BOTH parents, for whom I alone caregave since 2008 (youngest of 7, never married, SOLE Trump supporter – imagine my isolation – any ‘conversation’ with my sibs, however topical, always descend into ME against the entire cast of The View, EVERY TIME) at the end of 2020 within 3 weeks of another, mom’s death date today actually 12/17. Mom insisted we have dad’s funeral the week he passed (11/24, so the day after Thanksgiving) but when she passed 3 weeks later we decided as family to postpone hers until July 2021 so everyone nationwide could make it (knee-deep in FAUCI PLAGUE lockdowns at the time with family spread all over the place who couldn’t attend dad’s service). In the interim – as if I wasn’t busy enough doing the estate ALONE and planning the logistics of the funeral ALONE, my ‘tolerant’ liberal siblings DEMANDED ‘for the health of everyone’ that “WE” get the vaccine. I was outvoted by consensus but should have fought it anyway. I’ve been in a ‘fog’ ever since getting the initial two MURDER-na shots at the VA (March & April 2021) but a visiting niece brought her INSANELY sick 15 year old daughter down for Thanksgiving and I’ve been DEATHLY ill since that time (just over 4 weeks now). UrgentCare assumed it was RSV and put me on antibiotics & prednisone but I’m STILL sick.
A) How does one FLUSH these toxins out (like the heavy metals – have tried all manner of homeopathic remedies) and B) Does one ever regain NATURAL immunity or are we forever compromised? I cannot believe how long this “yuk” has lasted.
It may take a lot of commitment to flush yourself back to health. I would recommend a master cleanse, the one with lemon, dark amber syrup, and cayenne pepper. Building up to a long fast of at least 7-10 days, then I taper off to pure distilled water for a few days. Leaching everything out. Lots of water intake is required. If you take Epsom salt baths during this time you can see the metallic sheen in the water from the metals coming off of you. The come off the fast carefully. Natural foods, sprouted live food, that kind of thing. Find a health food store and talk to people who are in to cleansing and get advise. I can’t remember the last time I needed a drug of any kind by doing this once or twice a year. Good luck to you.
Copied to my notes. “I would recommend:
Ivermectin, NAC, Nattokinase, Serrapeptase, Zinc, Selenium, Magnesium, Vit C, Vit K2 + D3
PERIODIC D-Dimer tests
To anyone who has had the Clot Shot.
Ivermectin is the best zinc Ionophore, followed by Quercetin +vit C and then Epigallocatechin-gallate (EGCG) (Green Tea)”
Also check FLCCC web site for their protocol on flushing out vax toxins, plus what guy below says
Here’s some more info…
“Serrapeptase & Nattokinase: What you need to know
Nattokinase has powerful anti-inflammatory and fibrin-degrading activity. It prevents and dissolves blood clots, promotes healthy circulation, and supports normal blo od pressure. It also helps maintain healthy C-reactive protein levels (CRP). CRP is an inflammation marker and a serious risk factor for heart disease.
Serrapeptase and Nattokinase are powerful enzymes which are used as systemic enzyme supplements. Systemic enzyme therapy has been used safely for more than 50 years by natural and alternative practitioners as a natural and effective way to support healthy levels of inflammation, help against infection, help in recovery after surgery and remove excess fibrin build-up in your organs and blood. › 2019 › 10 › 04″
I also had the 2 Moderrna shots about the same time you did. I have had no ill effects from the shots as far as I can tell. I also have not gotten Covid, even once. However, if I had known what I know now I would not have taken the shots. I suppose all I need to do it try to forget about this because I can’t fix a problem that does not (yet) exist and may never happen………….I have also wondered if there is a way to flush my system from the shots……………maybe I am just looking for something to worry about. I’m already 79, about 4 years beyond the average like expectancy for an old guy like me…Good luck to you, and I’m very sorry about what happened to your family………
A few people, aside from the celebrities and government officials you saw on your screen got one of three things and knew it; they either got distilled water, saline, or the Hollywood needle prop. Then, those same pharmaceutical labs also produced batches that people didn’t realize were placebos, that didn’t have anything in them. If you’re lucky, you got one of those. If not……
You are dead – Sorry – you and all others who had the Covid shot, do not understand, your genetic makeup was changed by the Covid shot – the shot is a genetic system change – where you are now is where you are, at the declining health and have entered the dying stage. No biological entity has lived more than 4.7 years from initial injection of an mRNA shot until death. May God be with you and yours in your last days alive, in this I pray, Amen
“AMEN” There’s nothing else that can be said. Reality is harsh but it MUST be told. It’s harsh what you said but it’s all too true. Courage people.
Remind me again about the life expectancy of mice and rats.
I’m sorry they forced you to do that. As a military member I was forced the shot against my will too. I’m also wondering how to get rid of the poison.
It’s rather easy to see this is a promoted post; shouldn’t it say that in English somewhere?
Bramp, its your only hope.
If there is a shortage of hospital beds it’s due to a shortage of staff caused by the vaccine mandates. Drop the vaccine mandates and rehire the staff threat was fired or were forced to quit.
JD, here are a couple links which contracict your 90% of pharmaceuticals are produced in China claim. They both have pie graphs showing that the US produces tons of it’s own meds, the 2nd one putting the figure at 54% compared to 6% for China. So what gives? I’ve been reading you for awhile but lately you’ve been getting a little woo-woo for me.
When all this is over and they eliminated huge portions of the population, they want 85% reduction.
They will say to us who survived, it had to be done, see what avbetter world we have now… in reality the worse would yet to come.
Then “we” who survive must make it even ‘better’. The perpetrators of this horrendous mass murder will have to be dealt with. As I’ve said, reality is HARSH.
A third possible explanation of the explosion is that lockdowns themselves put our immune systems, especially children, one to two years out of sync with the natural mutations of pathogens in our environment. Hence, we’re fighting “modernized” bugs with an obsolescent system.
If this is the case we should catch up by next year. Still, the blame lies with blindly trusting experts who will be glad to tell us tomorrow about why their predictions from yesterday didn’t happen today.