It has been clear for quite some time that the Biden-Harris regime is no friend of the freedom of speech and dislikes the idea of dissent. It has tried on more than one occasion to curtail Americans’ Constitutional freedoms, all under the guise of protecting us. Making us blind slaves of the authoritarian state will save “our democracy,” you see. And now Kamala Harris, in complaining about free speech on X (formerly Twitter), has made it clear: her administration would be frankly and unapologetically authoritarian. It would, in short, be the end of America as a free society, and Kamala and her minions would say “Good riddance.”
As the far-left Brazilian government shut down X in order to silence dissidents in that country, Harris signaled that she was considering doing the same thing here if she wins in November. In a video that circulated on X Friday, we see Harris telling Jake Tapper: “He has, he has lost his privileges and it should be taken down.” It’s unclear whom she has in mind for this punishment, but the more she talks, the more it seems likely that she was referring to Elon Musk, and to taking down X.
Harris continued: “And the bottom line is that you can’t say that you have one rule for Facebook and you have a different rule for Twitter. The same rule has to apply, which is that there has to be, a, uh, er, uh, a responsibility that is placed on these social media sites to understand their power. They are directly speaking to millions and millions of people without any level of, of, of oversight or regulation. And that has to stop.”
Ever since Elon Musk took over Twitter/X, it has broken out of the lockstep in which the other social media giants march. They all went along willingly, and even eagerly, with the Biden regime’s determination to silence COVID dissidents, although Mark Zuckerberg has now broken ranks and claimed that he would have stood for the freedom of speech, but ultimately buckled under heavy pressure from the regime. Zuckerberg’s new stance strains credulity, especially in light of the fact that after Musk made Twitter/X into a bastion of the freedom of speech, Zuckerberg went so far as to set up a shadow Twitter called Threads, where users were warned openly that they might be silenced if their speech displeased the political elites. […]
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