If you want an idea of just how inept Kamala Harris has been as vice president, measure her against former Vice President Dan Quayle – the guy that the left universally berated as a pampered half-wit.
That characterization of Quayle was completely unfair. But when it comes to Harris, well, you be the judge.
Quayle’s approval ratings were, like Harris’, in the basement when he was VP. There was constant chatter among Republicans that George H.W. Bush should dump him. Few thought he was qualified to be president. Both he and Harris had privileged backgrounds and got a start on their careers more through connections than talent.
But the similarities end there.
Quayle’s unpopularity was the result of a relentless campaign by Democrats and the press to attack his qualifications. Harris earned her unpopularity by being unlikable and ineffectual. […]
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