As is always the case when discussing candidates our audience might support, I’m certain to make a lot of people angry for posting this. Specifically, I will make supporters of Ron DeSantis upset, but I’m simply reporting two facts.
First, the 2020 presidential election was stolen. The mountains of evidence, videos, impossible statistics, and sworn affidavits from eyewitnesses tells us this. Joe Biden getting more votes than anyone ever, including more Black votes than Barack Obama, tells us this. Our common sense tells us this.
Second, Ron DeSantis believes Joe Biden won fair and square. I don’t need to to convince anyone of this because he said it himself today. And while I stand shocked and very disappointed in a man I know, a man I generally like, leftist media is wallowing in it like pigs in mud. Here’s Rolling Stone:
RON DESANTIS ACKNOWLEDGED on Friday that many of the false claims promoted by former President Donald Trump in the aftermath of the 2020 election were “unsubstantiated.”
According to a report from The New York Times, while addressing reporters after a campaign event in Iowa, the Florida governor and presidential hopeful said that the “theories that were put out” following Trump’s election loss “did not prove to be true.”
“It was not an election that was conducted the way I think that we want to, but that’s different than saying Maduro stole votes or something like that,” DeSantis added. “Those theories, you know, proved to be unsubstantiated.”
With DeSantis floundering in the polls, this could be a campaign ploy to differentiate himself from Donald Trump. Not sure the efficacy of such a move, but it’s been proposed. I believe this is a huge mistake, not just because I obviously and vehemently believe the election was stolen but because it’s a talking point that brings him in line with the UniParty Swamp.
Democrats deny 2020 election fraud. RINOs deny 2020 election fraud. Otherwise decent Republican lawmakers with no backbones avoid the topic of 2020 election fraud. But I know it happened and I’m pretty sure many of my readers do as well.
For DeSantis, the right answer to the question is that the 2020 election was stolen, but an acceptable answer is that he is focused on making sure the 2024 election is fair and that he wins it. By siding with The Swamp, he’s not doing himself favors with America First patriots. And maybe that’s the point. Maybe he’s fully embracing the McCain/Romney lane that allowed them to win their nominations. We’ll see how this plays out.