So here we are after a truly extraordinary first week of the second Trump administration, and how is the left holding up? Not so well, I’m afraid. It looks as if the forest bathing and other soul-soothing activities didn’t work, and thus after a week of energetic making-America-great-again activity, leftists are sadder and angrier than ever and looking for ways to maintain their fragile emotional equilibrium.
We’re talking about people who believe that men can become women, Hamas jihadis are “resistance fighters,” and Kamala Harris was a competent and compelling candidate, so their mental health wasn’t all that great to begin with. But Trump being so energetic in service of the good and the true has just about sent them around the bend. accordingly offered on Monday an article with the lugubrious title of “Surviving ‘political grief’: You’re not alone, and there is a path forward.” It doesn’t paint a pretty picture if you’re a thoroughly indoctrinated Marxist who is desperately worried about “climate change” and “trans rights,” for everything is going down the drain: “Donald Trump is now the 47th president of the United States. Compared to the horrible things that will happen in America over (at least) the next four years, the weeks between Election Day and his inauguration may be remembered as the good times.”
What horrible things? Well, if everything goes according to plan, inflation will slow, gas prices and taxes will go down, wages will rise, the border will be secured, and numerous illegal and criminal migrants will be deported. What’s not to like? Plenty, if you’re an America-hating leftist, and hordes of the nose-ringed, blue-haired, black-clad masses have a tremendous case of the sads.
Salon’s Chauncey DeVega lamented: “The shadow of Jan. 20, and the cruel coincidence that it fell this year on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s remembrance day, hung over us all. King was among American history’s great defenders of democracy and human rights; Trump is a committed enemy of those values.” This only makes sense when you remember that for the left, “democracy and human rights” means the left winning every election and restricting the speech of those whom it fears and hates. Trump is for a free society with a robust opposition and no restrictions on speech, and so for leftists, “democracy” is under threat. […]
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