(Greg Reese)—Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappeared on March 8th 2014. On May 19, about nine weeks later, a leaked video was published to YouTube by a third party who claimed to have received it on March 12th. The video shows what appears to be a jet airliner on fire being trailed by three spiraling orbs. Eventually, the three orbs change to a vertical pattern and disappear in a flash with the airliner, leaving a dead-end trail of smoke in the sky. A month later on June 12th, a second video was published to the same channel that showed the exact same event taken from a different viewpoint. These videos have been deleted from YouTube but can still be found on archive-dot-org.
Ashton Forbes and his team have been researching these videos extensively, and have provided exhaustive evidence that these videos are legitimate. Including digital forensics verified by CGI professionals, eyewitnesses, and government data, Forbes and his team have successfully addressed all de-bunker claims and have listed them for all to see on X-dot-com @JustXAshton. So far, nobody has been able to de-bunk this research.
Their research shows that the first leaked video was taken from a pair of American signals intelligence satellites known as USA-229. Twin satellites capable of creating 3D stereoscopic images by capturing two slightly different views. The twin USA-229 satellites are logged at the exact location, time, and apparent angle required to of captured this video. This event occurred at around two-thirty in the morning, it was completely dark, the wavelengths captured by these cameras are for detail, and the stereoscopic effect allows for added depth perception.
The source of the second video has been identified as an MQ-1C Gray Eagle unmanned combat drone with Infrared and thermal technology. This video focuses on the heat signature.
And the man responsible for leaking these videos seems to be Lt. Cmdr. Edward Lin. He was accused of being a spy, but court transcripts prove that this was just spin. The details of his crimes, including the time they happened, are redacted, but it came out in the trial that the classified information in question was published on the internet. And Lt. Cmdr. Edward Lin had full security clearance to the same technology used to capture these videos.
Using Inmarsat satellite ping data and military radar to track its path, and eyewitness testimony to verify it, Forbes put together the final flight path of Malaysian Airlines Flight 370:
On March 7th at 16:42 UTC Flight 370 takes off from Kuala Lumpur International Airport. At 17:21 the plane abruptly turns back towards the nearest airport in Penang. A witness on an oil rig reported that the plane was on fire. Several witnesses along the East Coast reported hearing a loud bang and seeing a glow coming from the plane as it passed overhead. At 17:52 the co-pilot’s mobile phone pings the local tower. At 18:40 an eyewitness on a boat reported that the plane was glowing orange and appeared on fire. The Inmarsat ping data shows the same sharp left turn that we see in the videos, and then abruptly goes to zero as the plane disappears.
The CCP released Chinese satellite images that appear to be three orbs. They first claimed it was debris, and later said that releasing the image was a mistake. According to Chinese media, nineteen families have signed a statement claiming they made calls that connected to missing passengers after the disappearance but without an answer.
Some people are saying this was alien UFOs saving a plane from crashing. But this doesn’t explain the fact that three different advanced US military surveillance cameras captured this one event. Twenty-three of the passengers on board were related to Freescale Semi-Conductors, a field leading the development of super-conductor technology, which is what this appears to be. Some type of superconductor targeting system for teleportation. Which is reminiscent of what the NAZIs were doing with their highly classified Die Glocke project.
Luminous objects like this were first reported in May of 1940 as Germany invaded Belgium. And by 1942 several people reported seeing them in the skies over Germany. American pilots during World War Two called them, Foo Fighters.
And let’s not forget Gary Mckinnon, who in 2002 was accused of perpetrating the “biggest military computer hack of all time”, and who claimed to have seen evidence of an advanced off-world military fleet.
And what does any of this prove?
Joe Biden is a pedophile.
The democrat media claims installed joe got 81 million votes, so anything is possible, even aliens hijacking an airplane.
If you’re still falling for that “voting” thing…
Just vote harder.
Or cheat more. You know, like the demoncrats. Fire, meet super nova
“Democrats”? There’s no such thing.
Unless you believe the tell lie vision, lol.
Maybe THIS VOTE is the one that fixes everything, right?
Wasn’t it the LAST VOTE that broke it all?
I mean…pheewww. I admit, I “voted” for a few years, until I figured out the fraud.
Why can’t the rest?
You can’t “vote” your way out of tyranny or an illegitimate government.
Not yesterday, not today, and not tomorrow.
And why were two satellites and a drone all separately focused on this one airliner? The two satellites together, focused on the same target, gives a 3D image. Why were they focused on this airliner. Drones are sent up for particular assignments, not to just joyride around, especially around Malaysia.
None of this explains why a flight deck crewmember MANUALLY switched off the transponder, why the aircraft changed course from its filed flight plan AND climbed significantly in altitude, or why it never replied to interrogatories from ATC while it still was in radar contact.
Are you prepared to trust evidence emanating from the same groups you distrust?
Think about it.
I have Archive.org book marked. It is a fantastic site. If the video is on Archive .org, a link to the video would have been helpful. For those unfamiliar with Archive.org,, imagine a library where nearly every book, old movie, radio and television show, magazine, textbook and repair manuals ever published are on the shelves. Some books you can copy and keep. Others may be borrowed for up to 2 weeks. When I say you could spend weeks in there, only looking at things you find interesting, I’m not kidding.
**** BELAY MY LAST ****
The link was not highlighted
on X-dot-com @JustXAshton
An interesting story. CNN reported that some of the parts of the plane were recovered in various locations.
The triangular pattern of the orbs is a phenomenon probably not found in nature. Jeff Rense interviewed Ashton Forbes just yesterday on his radio broadcast. Evidently no one has come forward to debunk the video. According to Forbes the plane was carrying lithium batteries which caught on fire dooming flight 370.
Orbs of different sizes have been observed for centuries. I have a friend that witnessed them directly near a lightning strike that was 50 feet away.
Right. Good luck with bringing that one up in the lunch room or at the bar.
Pull up your pant legs because it’s too late to save your shoes.
The ufo base iscatvantarctica and financed by rothschilds.ufos use microwave to fly.microwave can cause lithium to ignite.inside that lithium pallet was a nuke obama stole off an airforce base to use to create a thermal nuke to detonate on bejing and start ww3 so china could justify invading south east asia for its rare earths.
In other news –
Biden got 81 million votes
Covid came from a bat
Vaccines are good for you
Teaching 5 yr.olds how to masturbate is OK
New York will be under water by 2015
The U.S. never went to the moon
Anal sex between to male strangers is a “healthy alternative lifestyle”
Putting a modified stock on a gun will make it shoot higher caliber bullets
An unborn human baby is not human
Slick Willie did not have sex with Monica Lewinsky
Bird flu wiped out millions of chickens and turkeys
Obama was born in the U.S.
John Kerry was a war hero
Trump colluded with Russians
Muslim terrorists are not terrorists
Antifa is just an “idea”
My husband was supposed to be on that flight to head to Freescale business in Europe. Praise God he missed the flight and he is safe and living.