Donald Trump won his second term in 2020, and because of his immense popularity, he will win again, says popular Christian music artist Natasha Owens, whose hit song “Trump Won” has been storming the music charts.
In this interview with The New American, Mrs. Owens explains that with “Trump Won,” she wanted to give a voice back to Americans who, because of censorship, could not talk about the massive voter fraud that cost Trump his presidency. The deep state is trying to take Trump down because he can’t be bought and controlled but works for the people, whose values and goals do not align with the un-American agenda of globalism and socialism.
Mrs. Owens noted that the major electoral issue, besides election integrity, is that a sizeable part of the Christian community does not vote. “If we can motivate the Christian base, we can overwhelm the system, and they [the establishment] can’t cheat enough,” stressed the singer.