A wide range of polls demonstrate that the left’s assumption that President Trump and his policies are unpopular is simply wrong.
Throughout his first administration, Democrats always acted as if they had the wind in their sails when they assailed President Donald Trump’s policies. That was particularly true when it came to his stand against illegal immigration.
The ease with which they whipped up outrage against Trump’s efforts to stem the flow of migrants across the southern border was rooted in their confidence that most Americans shared their revulsion against his attempts to make an unwieldy federal immigration apparatus enforce the law.
His “zero tolerance” plan to shut down the flood of illegals was essentially derailed by a storm of criticism manufactured by the left that played upon public sympathy for those who were caught entering the country illegally. The argument behind it was illogical. Anyone who is arrested for any crime is going to be separated from his family regardless of the circumstances. And the claim that this practice was unique to Trump is false since the “children in cages” was something that began during the Obama administration.
Yet there is no denying that the force of public sentiment against it was such that Trump and his deputies had to surrender. Polls showed that most Americans opposed deporting illegals. […]
— Read More: thefederalist.com