President Trump has no reason to do another debate with Kamala Harris on CNN…or anywhere else for that matter. Because she cheats. These debates are rigged.
In the first debate, ABC clearly gave Kamala the questions in advance. Then she rehearsed answers based on lie after lie (like an actress memorizing a script)- and ABC refused to fact-check a single lie. Any debate Trump does with Kamala will be based on the same lies and cheating.
Debating Kamala is like trying to win a rigged craps game.
But here’s a debate format Trump needs to do. Trump will clinch the election with this format. Trump needs to debate the REAL Kamala Harris- without lies, rigging or cheating possible.
Here’s the idea. Team Trump needs to buy up TV infomercial time on every television network. And then present a fair and honest debate called…
“Trump vs. the REAL Kamala Harris.”
President Trump stands behind one podium. A life- size Kamala dummy stands behind the other. Then start each segment of the debate with Kamala on video. Let her use her own words, on video, to present her REAL opinions and policies. […]
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