Are you frustrated with college presidents who do nothing when radicals bring violence to their campuses and justify it with claims to care for Palestinians, when the radicals’ deepest desires look more like wishing death to Israel and death to America?
I am. (RELATED: GORDON TOMB: Dig, Baby, Dig: Making Coal Great Again)
Congress is doing better than that. After the National Park Service granted protest permits this summer to radicals who used them to burn American flags and damage federal property at Washington’s Union Station, members of the House Natural Resources Committee, which holds jurisdiction over the Park Service, began fighting back immediately.
That very day, as U.S. flags were hauled down, burnt and replaced with Palestinian flags, several committee members raced to the scene with American flags, so they could be raised once again. And last week the committee held a hearing to hold the Park Service accountable.
They kindly invited me to testify about the extremist groups involved. I opened by insisting that free speech is precious. It is both the mark of a free country and also the means of American self-government. But speech is not violence, and violence is not speech, even though we often hear radicals make those claims. […]
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