CNN panelists sparred on Tuesday over Vice President Kamala Harris avoiding press interviews over a month into her presidential campaign.
Democratic strategist Ameshia Cross defended Harris’ lack of interviews by arguing she has been communicating with the voters on the campaign trail. Republican strategist Brad Todd, a founding partner of the OnMessage media firm, said Harris is intentionally avoiding the press to avoid answering about her changes in policy stances since her time as a U.S. senator and 2020 presidential candidate.
“It’s not a question of ability, it is one of campaign measuring the value of how much she needs to be out visiting the people,” Cross said.
“She doesn’t want to answer for the fact that she was against fracking, she’s against private insurance, she was against gasoline cars. She doesn’t want to talk about it,” Todd argued.
CNN panelists duked it out over Kamala Harris ducking interviews one month into her candidacy
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) August 27, 2024
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