(WND)—As I stated in November 2022, more than 19 months ago, Joe Biden will not be the Democrat candidate for president in 2024.
The Democrat oligarchs and super delegates did not want Kamala Harris as this year’s presidential candidate, so they did not allow Biden to resign to allow Harris to run as an incumbent. They did not want Democrats to vote for the Biden replacement in primary elections, so they will not allow Biden to announce that he is not running until after the Republican National Convention in July. Those oligarchs and super delegates want to announce the replacement at the Democratic National Convention in August instead of via the party’s primary elections. And they wanted this to be about Biden’s age so they could include Trump’s age, instead of about Biden’s dementia and incompetence.
Joe Biden has one job: Beat up Trump. Make Trump look like a bad guy, as a convicted felon, to pave the way for the oligarchs’ replacement. It is all part of the plan.
The governors of Kentucky, North Carolina and Maryland are all possible replacements for Biden. Two Democrat white guys from red states and one Democrat black guy from a blue state.
The probable replacement for Joe Biden for the 2024 election is Wes Moore, current governor of Maryland. Just as with Obama, he has less than two years of experience at his current job. And, just as with Obama, he has the right backers: Oprah Winfrey, rich woke oligarchs, Barack Obama, and he has the right credentials as an Army veteran, black American, son of immigrants, husband and father.
And just like Obama, Moore is very articulate and deliberate.
Moore solves several problems for the Democratic Party. Moore is only 45 years old, a huge age contrast with Trump – 45 vs. 78. He’s married with 2 children, and black so as to stop the migration of black voters to Trump. Moore has a business background and experience as a corporate executive. He was an Army officer and a sitting governor (which Obama lacked as the only POTUS in history not to have any executive experience prior to becoming POTUS).
According to Pew Research:
- More than half of the people who voted for Democrats for the last three generations are Jews or other non-Christians, like agnostics and atheists. More than 80% of those non-Christians likely will continue to vote for Democrats despite who the candidates are.
- About 40% of those who vote for Democrats are blacks or Latinos, as more than 90% of blacks and 80% of Latinos traditionally vote for Democrats. Those numbers have been shrinking now for the first time as Trump is making inroads with these groups. Some polls show that Biden support of black voters is below 60% in some battleground states. Without high percentages from those two minority groups, Democrats will lose.
Wes Moore secures the black vote and even expands it for Democrats, just as Obama did. And his marriage, children, business experience and military experience will help attract liberal Christians’ votes. Moore is a winner for Democrats.
In a video from a fundraiser for Biden (or for his unnamed replacement), Obama is seen taking the president’s arm and helping lead him off the stage. The White House claims that this video is somehow doctored and that Biden did not need help from Obama. Well, has anyone heard Obama discredit the video? Why not? Biden will not be the Democrat candidate, and Obama is part of the cabal that is planning Joe’s replacement.
This replacement scheme has been in the works for the last couple of years since Moore won the Maryland gubernatorial election in 2022. Republicans, including Michael Whatley, chairman of the RNC, must be aware of it coming. So what will be the Republican response to Wes Moore?
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