(WND)—There’s always been a pot of gold for those willing to abuse power for the rainbow lobby.
I am a 30-year conservative Christian veteran of the scorched-earth global LGBT culture war against natural family values and the Bible. I’ve worn many hats in my career, including that of a constitutional law attorney. On Feb. 10, 2004, I happened to be in San Francisco to depose officials of the City of Oakland in my lawsuit against the town for discrimination against my clients: two African-American Christian women whose employment with the city had been threatened for trying to form a Good News Employee Association as a workplace alternative to the Gay and Lesbian Employee Association. I wrote about that case here.
By “chance” (i.e. divine providence) that was the day newly elected San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom held a press conference to stage the then-most audacious act of gay pandering in American history: He declared himself unilaterally authorized to legalize “gay marriage” in San Francisco by executive order.
Newsom became an instant political sensation on the hard left with that stunt, which everyone on both sides of the political aisle knew was a totally lawless act of grandstanding. My law partner and I filed a Writ of Mandamus to declare it invalid, which was denied, but only because the court had other means of invalidating Newsom’s order, which it did. Newsom didn’t care because it earned him the financial backing of the deep-pocketed LGBT political class – which later propelled him to the California governor’s office. He tried to recreate that event in June of 2024 to win the Democrat nomination for president, but got out-maneuvered by his partner in the 2004 event, Kamala Harris.
I scheduled my break in the depositions to be able to attend Newsom’s press conference. It was, of course, a media circus, but I managed to squirm my way into the venue just far enough to see Newsom at the podium flanked and backed by his various flunkies. I can’t say for certain, but I think that was my first glimpse of newly minted SF District Attorney Harris – elected just like Newsom two months prior. At some point over the next few days, perhaps even that day, Harris personally officiated one of the many illegal same-sex unions there at City Hall.
Here’s a little political background on the Newsom/Harris duo. Willie Brown was mayor of San Francisco from 1996-2004 and termed out.
Gavin Newsom inherited both the mayor’s office and Kamala Harris from Brown in the municipal elections of Nov. 4, 2003. Newsom was Brown’s “political protégé” while Harris was the septuagenarian’s 20-something former(?) arm-candy-with-benefits. Her gift from the Brown political patronage machine was the office of San Francisco district attorney.
What’s most important in this story, however, is the phenomenon of rank lawlessness in service to the normalization of LGBT behavioral disorders by highly compensated non-homosexual (or closeted) culture-war mercenaries. In my observation, this factor may be the most common denominator in all the stories of LGBT political conquest worldwide for the past half-century – including the massive trove of LGBT victories orchestrated by the Clintons and Barack Obama, who were funded to the hilt by “gay” money-bundlers like Terry Bean. Remember that Hillary gave her infamous MAGA “deplorables” speech at an LGBT Gala in NYC, the key takeaway being that the worst “deplorables” the left must destroy are opponents of the LGBT agenda.
Let’s segue now to the seemingly unrelated but ideologically connected breaking story of the new major leak scandal at the U.S. Supreme Court.
In summary, the Daily Caller article “‘Worse Than The Dobbs Leak’: Court Watchers Point To Supreme Court’s Liberal Wing As Likely Culprit Behind Latest Leak” suggests that Elana Kagan is the leaker, and I tend to agree. The leak pertains to internal communications about the Trump immunity cases, but the real story is abandonment of judicial ethics by court insiders to serve leftist politics.
Elena Kagan is no less a political opportunist and beneficiary of gender-class affirmative action than Kamala Harris. While Harris slept her way to power in San Francisco, Kagan leveraged her Manhattan family connections to rise through the Democrat ranks. She entered Obama’s orbit in 1991, helped Ruth Bader Ginsburg get confirmed to SCOTUS while a Senate aide, then, rising that same wave of female political empowerment, was appointed the first female dean of Harvard Law – where the LGBT agenda reigns supreme. (To that latter point, read about my experience debating criminal justice reform there as a gubernatorial candidate in 2014.)
Harris and Kagan are both just hard left political assets with a law degree and an unshakable commitment to the LGBT agenda. When Kagan (with no prior judicial experience) joined Ginsburg on the high court they tag-teamed as officiants in separate same-sex “marriages” during the pendency of the Obergefell v. Hodges case, the worst breach of judicial ethics in the history of the Supreme Court. This was far worse than anything the conservative justices have been accused of in recent months by the same partisans who applauded the Obergefell travesty. And no one but me (with a protest sign in front of the courthouse) publicly clamored for their recusal for that! (Of course, the “gay marriage” Kagan performed was for her own law clerk and his male partner.)
There is nothing more sacrosanct in our judiciary than the expectation of all parties to a presumption of impartiality by the justices deciding their case regardless of their personal views – but, once again, advancing LGBT normalization trumped every other consideration, even the integrity of the court. Compared to that, leaking internal confidences about the Trump cases to the New York Times is kid stuff.
The rule of law will not survive in America so long as we allow power-hungry people to get away with trading their ethics for a grab at the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. There must be accountability. For Harris that would mean a massive election defeat in November. For Kagan (if she truly is the leaker) that would mean impeachment during Trump’s next term.
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This is pretty pathetic J.D. even for you. You’re implying that to be a good Christian you have to also be a great bigot. We’ve had to fight you bigots for decades and now that we have a foothold in the political arena, you are having a sh!tF!t because we demand that you actually learn what your bible teaches you. It ain’t love my friend, not by a long shot and it is why you hold your biases out on your sleeve as if you are proud of being a bigot.
There is more than enough information coming to the fore’ that speaks of just how bad Christianity and Islam have become because they both are based on authoritarianism. So you’re a bigot because your God told you that some humans are not as good as others, so you must deny and denigrate them so your God will love you, of which there is not one word in the bible from any god that says anything about love of his supposed creation. All that love talk is by humans not by gods, “least they eat of the tree of life and forever.”
Leave the kids alone. Why’s that to much to ask?
Didn’t read your leftist blahblah because i only need an answer to this. PEDIcrats
You sound like a Jew.
You a Talmudic Jew boy?
A lot of opinion without any substantiating facts. Your day is coming. You can not mock God and escape. Your situation is clearly delineated in the last half of Romans Chapter 1. You demand that I know the Bible, which I actually do, but spew hate and lies in the precess. I will give you one truth that if you take it serious may change your final destination. Repent, turn from your wicked ways and stop sinning.
Hey, Satan! Come out of that sack of rumpled skin.
Synonyms of bigot http://www.merriam-webster.com
: a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices
especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (such as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance…
“The Word” as given by the Creator, condemns the actions Rumplestiltskin apparently indulges in, such Rebuke
is a Hot Sword to the Hart of a sinner, Proclaiming The Word is Compassion and Hope to those who allow their intelligence to approve of a Dead End way of Life….
There are 2 sexes according to the CHRISTIAN BIBLE.
There are 2 sexes according to the MUSLIM QURAN.
There are 6-8 sexes according to the JEWISH TALMUD.
It doesn’t come from ANYWHERE ELSE.
Can you cite the Chapter and verses you say support 6-8 sexes in the Old Testament? I would like to look them up because I must have missed them.
Are you some kind of moron?
I suggest you READ IT AGAIN.
letmepicyou: Bob called you out, your response is telling as you gave no factual information, therefore, Your statement must Not be sustainable…..Go sit in the corner, your in time out !!
this is what the democrats want on the supreme court. woke women that have no respect for the law. In their hearings if became obvious as to why, the clearly showed they did not even know what the law was.
That Kagan dude sure is hard to look at.