The retirement crisis can push half of all Americans to the brink of financial ruin, according to a new survey. In today’s video, we will present this and some of the most important statistics and insights that everyone should know about the state of retirement in the United States. Today, millions of individuals in their 60s and 70s are experiencing financial insecurity.
A new survey conducted by Third Way showed that 36% of adults feel less prepared for retirement than their parents. Currently, only 47% of workers in America have access to a retirement plan at their job. Although safety nets such as Social Security and Medicare are offered to some U.S. retirees, none of these can cover a comfortable retirement, and there is no guarantee that they will be sufficiently funded until 2030.
We’re, in fact, in the first retiring generation in which more than half of the population doesn’t have a pension to cover part of their retirement costs. In other words, this is the first generation where the majority of Americans must rely on their own saving efforts to prepare for retirement. But at this point, 1 in 3 seniors are already facing a retirement crisis because they have no savings or are at risk of running out of money in the near future.
Meanwhile, 51% of consumers between the ages of 45 and 75 feel they do not have enough retirement savings to last their lifetime. And almost a third, or 32%, are not confident they will have enough money in retirement to cover basic monthly expenses.
Instead of achieving a comfortable retirement, most households in America are facing increasing distress and financial insecurity. While many families actually plan to swap the family house for a smaller one or to move to a less expensive community, when this is a choice, it can be an excellent way to boost your savings. But for many families, downsizing won’t just be an option. It will be almost mandatory.
That’s the result of a recent study published by Boston College’s Center for Retirement Research. The findings are alarming. Fully half of the nation’s working-age households will not have enough money to maintain their standard of living once in retirement. Making matters worse, this study assumes a strong working and saving life in which people work until age 65 and annuitize their assets, and even account for Social Security income.
Instead, 42 million out of 83 million working-age households will have to cut back on both luxuries and necessities in order to afford retirement. And inequities in our retirement system are holding younger workers back from achieving economic security during their later years.
The future of our population has never looked so uncertain. For half of all Americans, retirement will not be something to look forward to. It will be an era of struggle and want. It will be a time of despair in the United States. Financial literacy and information are the only way out of this. But unfortunately, that may seem too much for a nation where ignorance is applauded.
Article and video cross-posted from Epic Economist.
I don’t even think I’ll ever retire. I’ll work right up to lunch time on the day of my funeral.