The U.S. government has a long history of experimenting on people against their will and usually without their knowledge. This is important to understand when we look at what’s happening with the Covid-19 jabs, face masks, and tests. Wake up, friends.
According to @inversionism:
“This next story is so unbelievable we didn’t think it could possibly be true, but after receiving thousands of records and declassified reports from the army, it’s confirmed that during the cold war, that the US military conducted secret tests on unsuspecting people of St Louis”
I hope everyone understands the full weight and gravity of what’s being disclosed here.
The US military sprayed an obscenely toxic radioactive chemical over a part of St Louis with 10,000 low income people, 70% of them being children under the age of 12.
Their reasoning? They just wanted to do an experiment to test “dispersal patterns and the geographic range of chemical or biological weapons”, nothing more.
Instead of using something that is harmless to the test the range and dispersal, they used an actual radioactive bioweapon called Cadmium sulfide, and allowed a bunch of low income children and other people to breath in tons of cadmium sulfide all day every day without warning. They also put additional sprayers on top of buildings and pumped it into populated low income areas.
So basically a ton of low income poor people were subjected to a biological warfare experiment against their will, with many suffering as a result and not knowing that their government poisoned them.
Sound familiar?
"This next story is so unbelievable we didn't think it could possibly be true, but after receiving thousands of records and declassified reports from the army, it's confirmed that during the cold war, that the US military conducted secret tests on unsuspecting people of St Louis"…
— Inversionism (@Inversionism) September 16, 2023