Twin hypocrites Oprah Winfrey and Michelle Obama, the former a multibillionaire, the latter a multimillionaire, waxed hypocritical at the largest gaslighting event in the history of American politics — AKA the 2024 Democrat National Convention (DNC) — about wealthy (greedy) Republicans.
Mrs. Obama droned on about how her parents “didn’t aspire to be wealthy,” incredulously (given her own wealthy) adding: “In fact, they were suspicious of folks who took more than they needed.”
Likewise, Oprah blasted former President Trump, saying the work of maintaining a democracy “requires standing up to life’s bullies” and whining about how she has sometimes been on the receiving end of “racism and sexism and income inequality and division.” Did I mention she’s worth an estimated $3 billion?
Team Trump promptly posted a thank-you letter Winfrey wrote to “Donald” in 2000 suggesting not only that he would be a good president but adding “Too bad we’re not running for office. What a team!” […]
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