It’s been over three years since the launch of Operation Warp Speed and we’re finally entering the fifth stage of the Covid “vaccine” con job. I made my first predictions about the Covid roadmap and the way it was all going to go down in mid-2021 when we were still in stages two and three. It’s all falling into place as I thought it would with one exception. I anticipated stage 5 would start in early- to mid-2024 just before the GOP had locked in on President Trump as the nominee, but it appears to be starting now.
This penultimate stage on my timeline is where they blame the people who got jabbed for making the “choice,” calling on them to accept responsibility for the rise in adverse reactions and long-term consequences. We’ve seen some grumblings in that direction lately, but the biggest example to date occurred over the weekend when New Zealand Prime Minister Chris Hipkins deflected a question about the vaccine-injured by saying, “…they ultimately made their own choices.”
In other words, it’s your fault for listening to governments. Here’s the video:
To be clear, I don’t disagree with the assessment that everyone made a choice. Very few people were physically forced to take the jabs. There were a handful of reports of people getting jabbed without knowing it, but otherwise everyone who got the jabs did so because they decided that their lives would be worse if they didn’t.
Some people got it because they thought they needed to be protected. Others got it because they didn’t want to lose their jobs, schooling, or other elements of their lives that required it. Some did it to be able to travel; I had one friend whose mother didn’t want to take the jabs but she didn’t want to skip her vacation so they wanted to know which of the jabs was least dangerous. In all of these situations, people may have felt they didn’t have much of a choice but they willfully accepted the needle(s) in their arms so they could do certain things in their lives.
They made a choice.
I also know people who had to make massive changes in their lives in order to avoid taking the jabs. They had to find new jobs, oftentimes new career paths altogether. One friend left the military less than a year before full retirement.
This fifth stage of the vaccine plan is a subtle shift. For over two years we’ve heard from public officials that people should make the “right” choice and get as many needles stuck into their arms as possible. We’re still hearing that today as Pandemic Panic Theater 2.0 ramps up with expected lockdowns, new variants, and new jabs around the corner. That’s why I was surprised by Hipkins’ comments. It could have been an inadvertent premature play of a future narrative, one that came out since he was getting questioned about the vaccine injured. Or, it could be the soft launch of this next phase.
Before going further, I should list the six stages for reference:
- Get People Scared: Operation Warp Speed was launched from fear. President Trump thought it was the right thing to do based on his evil advisors and the concerned American people. It was obviously a huge mistake and will come back to haunt him, but it’s done. Those months in 2020 when the jabs were being allegedly developed (I believe they were already in play before we’d ever heard in Covid-19, but that’s for another day) were spent by officials priming the pump, so to speak, so the masses would line up to get their jabs.
- Promote Vaccines as Safe and Effective: It didn’t take long for the first breakthrough cases to debunk initial claims that the jabs were 100% effective. Within weeks, we started seeing reports of adverse reactions. But the entirety of 2021 and most of 2022 was filled by government officials and healthcare professionals telling us the jabs were safe and effective. They were neither, but they continued to beat the drums of compliance.
- Demonize the Skeptics: This stage ran concurrently with the previous stage as we were all told about the “pandemic of the unvaccinated.” Doctors chastised us. Celebrities ridiculed us. Corporate media gaslit us. Government official berated us. Even today, with mountains of evidence proving we were right to be skeptical, there is still a stigma upon us.
- Defend the Inefficacy: Stage four was a clinic in moving the goalposts. First, the jabs were 100% effective. That was debunked quickly and dropped to 99%. Then 95%. Then it kept going down until it was time to shift the justification for the jabs completely. Instead of preventing or even slowing the spread, they started telling us the jabs would reduce hospitalizations and deaths. Today, studies show the jabbed are more susceptible to getting Covid, being hospitalized from it, and dying, so “new” jabs are around the corner.
- Blame Everyone for Taking Them: Either Prime Minister Hipkins launched this stage over the weekend or he telegraphed a future iteration. Either way, this is a bad omen because it means the powers-that-be believe part of the truth about vaccine injuries will be acknowledged by the people soon. Perhaps the big data collection they’ve been doing from the start tells them that we’re at or near a tipping point of vaccine-danger awareness. Then again, they may be anticipating a flurry of conditions like Myocarditis and deaths spiking to the point that they can no longer be ignored by corporate media and average citizens. If that’s the case, the reminder from officials that nobody was forced to get jabbed against their will is the defense they can use to prevent them from being murdered for their actions, both politically and literally.
- Blame Trump and Unveil a “Solution”: The next phase is the disastrous one for the nation and the world. I truly hope I’m wrong about this, but if things get as bad as I anticipate they will with masses succumbing to vaccine injuries, then the powers-that-be are prepared to blame Donald Trump for it. Big Pharma will hit every corporate media outlet profusely to say they were rushed to get the jabs out before the 2020 election. They will say the same thing in Senate hearings. I pray that I’m wrong. If I’m right, they will release a “fix” to the vaccine injuries suffered from the original Covid jabs. I believe this “fix” will be the final blow ahead of fully realizing their depopulation and control agenda.
Yes, it’s all very ugly.
As much as I prefer only writing about things that we can affect, I’m not sure how any of this is helpful. Those who are jabbed can’t get unjabbed. Those who aren’t jabbed today are very unlikely to get jabbed in the future. The lines in the sand have been drawn and nobody’s crossing them.
In most cases, awareness is an important aspect of fighting the good fight but I’m not sure how awareness of this issue can help. Nevertheless, it’s something that we should all know as the various phases of the vaccine con job fall into place.
If I’m wrong, praise God! If I’m not wrong, buckle up and hunker down. We’re in for a very bumpy ride.
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