Two years after the fall of Roe v. Wade—and in the heat of a presidential election year—the most powerful politicians on both sides of the aisle seem prepared to more or less wash their hands of protecting preborn children.
But nobody’s happiness can ever come at the cost of another person’s life. The hands-off approach of both major political parties says, effectively, that the death of the preborn is an acceptable price to pay for less political noise—or greater electoral success.
That just isn’t true. But, for far too many Americans, a “hands-off” approach to abortion—one that sacrifices human lives for convenience, security, or peace of mind—does seem best. And this is a problem with which the pro-life movement must grapple.
The issue hidden by polling numbers is that approval for legal abortion isn’t just about whether the practice is intrinsically moral. It’s also about whether it’s acceptable to look away from tragedy when it happens outside your home. […]
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