Call it what you want – corporate, legacy, mainstream—but whichever moniker you prefer, the fact remains the same: the majority of the nation’s press has completely sold out to the Democrat/progressive agenda and makes no secret of their leftist bias anymore.
It’s despicable and shameful, but it is what it is.
They have been falsely claiming GOP nominee Donald Trump is Hitler-reincarnated for over a decade now, to the point where no thinking person even believes their vile rhetoric anymore.
But Politico is right back at it, just days before a presidential election, trying to twist the former and hopefully future president’s words into something that he didn’t mean at all.
The outlet immediately “pounced” on a statement Trump made at a rally Sunday:
LITITZ, Pennsylvania — Donald Trump said Sunday that he wouldn’t “mind” if someone had to “shoot through the fake news” to get to him, a further escalation of his violent rhetoric.
The former president, speaking at a rally here about the efforts the Secret Service has taken to protect him after two apparent assassination attempts against him, began pointing out the panes of ballistic glass surrounding him at the outdoor venue.
“All we really have over here is the fake news, right? And to get me somebody would have to shoot through the fake news,” Trump said. “And I don’t mind that so much.” […]
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