Covid-19 Is the Largest, Most Sophisticated Propaganda Operation in History
Editor's Note: I know that the response from many if not most of our audience will be, "duh!" Yes, we...
Editor's Note: I know that the response from many if not most of our audience will be, "duh!" Yes, we...
STORY AT-A-GLANCE Dr. Peter Hotez, dean for the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, is...
STORY AT-A-GLANCE Mounting evidence shows the COVID shots are destroying people’s immune systems and are triggering turbo-charged cancers A survey...
STORY AT-A-GLANCE Cancer rates have increased since the introduction of the COVID shots and is now one of the top...
STORY AT-A-GLANCE Americans had lost nearly three years of life expectancy during 2020 and 2021. In 2019, the average life...
STORY AT-A-GLANCE A recent laboratory investigation by The Highwire reveals the only consistent thing about the COVID shots are their...
STORY AT-A-GLANCE The World Health Organization has become extraordinarily conflicted, primarily through its funding, and by serving corporate masters, it...
STORY AT-A-GLANCE Over time, it’s become clear that the globalist cabal seeking to implement a one world government repeatedly tell...
STORY AT-A-GLANCE The globalist technocrats are intent on monopolizing the entire food supply. They already have a monopoly on grains...
STORY AT-A-GLANCE Over time, it’s become clear that the globalist cabal seeking to implement a one world government repeatedly tell...
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