Editor’s Commentary: Arguably the hardest part about drinking daily from the firehose of news is that some big stories get missed. Usually if they’re big enough we see them reported again and again within a news cycle by multiple conservative and alternative media outlets, but there’s one major exception. When it comes to the truth about the Covid-19 “vaccines,” the truth is often buried indefinitely because it’s a taboo topic for far too many of the “good guys” in media.
Case-in-point: This blockbuster study that was released just before Christmas revealing extremely important evidence that could be used to prevent people from continuing their destructive regimen of “vaccine” booster shots. The Gateway Pundit dropped a story about it, but even with their massive reach the story did not get the attention it deserves. This story needs to be amplified far and wide because it’s likely the vast majority of Americans who are still getting booster shots have no idea they’re actually increasing their risk of getting Covid.
Even as the truth about the jabs continues to trickle out, we’re faced with the dilemma of self-censorship by most of the major conservative and alternative news outlets. As has been revealed in the last few drops of the Twitter Files, Big Tech is censoring Covid “vaccine” data. This is why the topic is anathema with most major right-leaning news outlets. They aren’t willing to risk being ripped off the Big Tech teats. Google and YouTube are by far the most lucrative advertising mediums that pay these outlets. Facebook is by far the biggest driver of traffic. Getting blacklisted by Big Tech could be devastating to the Daily Wires or Breitbarts of the world, so they just avoid the Topic-That-Must-Not-Be-Discussed.
I don’t necessarily hold it against them. They are paying salaries and are the source of income for families. As a news outlet that refuses to be beholden to Big Tech, it’s easy for us to point fingers without acknowledging the repercussions. We feel the heat every day as our own revenue is a drop in the bucket compared to what conservatives outlets that play ball with the vaxx-narrative are making. That’s why we appreciate whatever we can get in the form of generous donations. With that said, here’s Ethan Huff from Natural News reporting on this important topic…
Every time a person gets injected with a covid “vaccine” or “booster,” his or her risk of testing “positive” for covid and later getting sick or dying increases substantially, according to a new study from the Cleveland Clinic.
The paper appeared on the pre-print server medRxiv, showing that getting “vaccinated” and “boosted” for covid with mRNA (messenger RNA) chemicals makes a person more – not less – prone to succumbing to injury or death.
The highest risk, unsurprisingly, exists in those who get three or more injections as opposed to just the first two or three.
“The association of increased risk of COVID-19 with higher numbers of prior vaccine doses in our study, was unexpected,” wrote the study’s authors, who include Nabin K. Shrestha, Patrick C. Burke, Amy S. Nowacki, James F. Simon, Amanda Hagen, and Steven M. Gordon.
For their research, the aforementioned looked at 51,011 Cleveland Clinic workers – the institution is massive – to see how well the new so-called “bivalent” mRNA injection is performing.
We are told that only 21 percent of the group’s 51,011 employee base took the bivalent shot, which was deemed to have an effectiveness rate of just 30 percent. Overall, five percent of all workers in the study contracted covid during the 13-week analysis period.
“Protection provided by vaccination (analyzed as a time-dependent covariate) was evaluated using Cox proportional hazards regression,” the study’s abstract explains. “The analysis was adjusted for the pandemic phase when the last prior COVID-19 episode occurred, and the number of prior vaccine doses received.”
Among the 51,011 employees evaluated, 41 percent had at least one previously documented case of covid while 83 percent had received at least two doses of a covid injection.
“In multivariable analysis, the bivalent vaccinated state was independently associated with lower risk of COVID-19 (HR, .70; 95% C.I., .61-.80), leading to an estimated vaccine effectiveness (VE) of 30% (95% CI, 20-39%),” the study further explains.
“Compared to last exposure to SARS-CoV-2 within 90 days, last exposure 6-9 months previously was associated with twice the risk of COVID-19, and last exposure 9-12 months previously with 3.5 times the risk.”
All in all, it was determined that the shots do not work as claimed. None of them seem to prevent infection, and many of the people who take them end up getting sick or dying. So much for “safe and effective.” (Related: Remember in 2014 when the Cleveland Clinic started using Traditional Chinese Medicine [TCM] to treat patients?)
Cleveland Clinic adds disclaimer to study about it not being “peer reviewed” – because the results defy the official narrative
The fact that medRxiv even allowed this new study to appear on its pre-print server at all is a feat in and of itself, considering the platform has a new policy against studies that contradict the official story about covid “vaccines.”
Perhaps the paper was allowed because the Cleveland Clinic included a special disclaimer that calls into question its own findings. It reads:
“This article is a preprint and has not been certified by peer review. It reports new medical research that has yet to be evaluated and so should not be used to guide clinical practice.”
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The suggestion, of course, is that peer review is an essential component of “valid” science, even though it is an inherently corrupt and worthless process that is not what the scientific community has made it out to be.
“So, NOW is it fair to say these are NOT ‘vaccines’ in any sense of the word???” asked a commenter in response to these latest scientific revelations.
“How many professionals, like Dr. Malone, did Twitter and Facebook censor for saying this early on?” responded another.
The latest news about covid injections can be found at Genocide.news.
Sources for this article include:
Disgusting monsters who pushed this poison on people. I will bet my bottom dollar that their families did not take the “vaccine”. May they all rot in Hell.
This isn’t news, this was known about at least a year back……..but at least the truth is working it’s way out….
These frakensteinian shots are some warped experimental gene treatment where where the recipients are all the test subjects. They got rid of the original test groups ( no actual shots) not long after the shots went public. Fortunately, for me and a number of others, there is still a control group…those who had the common sense NOT TO GET THE slab jabs. They are not true “vaccines”…..they do not provide any immunity ( or protection for that matter) against covid and they don’t prevent the spread of covid…….
forgot to make that test control group and there is no way to edit it
Now that these shots are proven to harm, how long have the pharmaceutical companies used them on the ignorant public to sell the cures? All participants knowingly inflicting, coercing, recommending then not taking said vaccine, should be charged with murder and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Any lawyer who would not represent non vaxxers, disbarment. All assets must be forfeited, divorce to save said gains is knowledge after the fact and should be prosecuted. Just a few thoughts crossing my synapses.
You mean the government lied to us about covid treatment? At least we have fair, honest and transparent elections.