In an extraordinary act of resourcefulness, a California fire chief saved two houses from destruction during the fierce Eaton Fire...
The issue of child grooming has been something conservatives have been sounding alarm bells over for years thanks in part...
A non-binary, South Asian, city councilor for the city of Worcester, Mass. has decided to take a full month off...
Summary Less Racial Polarization: Donald Trump's 2024 presidential election victory was one of the least racially polarized since Lyndon Johnson's...
On today's episode of The JD Rucker Show, we covered these topics: Google Strikes Deal with AP to Enhance Gemini...
A recent survey indicates that a vast majority of Americans believe that parents should have the authority to remove their...
Ahead of his inauguration next week, President-elect Donald Trump is signaling plans to terminate certain green energy initiatives, with unsightly...
Tennessee's Republican Senator Marsha Blackburn, who secured a significant reelection victory by nearly 30 points in November, is reportedly contemplating...
(The Post Millennial)—J. Alexander Kueng, one of the four former Minneapolis police officers tried over the death of George Floyd,...
Summary Urgency for Action: With Donald Trump entering his second term, there's a pressing need for Republicans to act swiftly...
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