Imagine waking up to find your bank balance at zero. Your private messages broadcasted on billboards. Autonomous vehicles crashing through...
One minute you're a married middle-aged French woman living your life and minding your own business. The next minute, Brad...
The owner of a well-known Orlando LGBTQIA+ nightclub and another man rumored to be a school teacher are facing serious...
Dan Bongino is a former Secret Service agent. So in terms of assessing threats on the president’s life, he’s an...
Last week the news broke that Meta — the company that owns Facebook, Instagram, and half the internet — claims...
The recent fires in Los Angeles have raised more questions than answers. Theories about their origin and purpose are swirling—from...
On today's episode of The JD Rucker Show, we covered these topics: Did Gavin Newsom Inadvertently Admit to the Core...
(DCNF)—Los Angeles Times owner Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong admitted Monday that his outlet erred by endorsing Democratic Los Angeles Mayor Karen...
CBS News anchor Margaret Brennan implied President-elect Donald Trump should not halt the admission of refugees because the country might...
This year began in tragedy, as a man drove his truck, one with an ISIS flag, into those celebrating on...
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