Statistics recently released by Heartbeat International state that more than 6,000 preborn babies have been saved through the Abortion Pill Rescue® Network (APRN) as of November 20, 2024.
The abortion pill regimen is a two-step chemical process, which uses the drugs mifepristone and misoprostol, taken up to 48 hours apart, to end the life of a preborn child. If the mother regrets her decision to abort soon after taking mifepristone, she has a chance at saving her child through so-called “abortion pill reversal,” which is simply the administration of doses of progesterone to outcompete the mifepristone’s mechanism of action. While results are said to be best if the process is started within 24 hours of taking the abortion pill, babies have been reportedly saved as long as 72 hours after.
Studies conducted by Dr. George Delgado, who pioneered the abortion pill reversal process, found low rates of complications. Live Action News has shared the stories of many women who have successfully gone through the abortion pill reversal process and continued on to have healthy babies.
“Natural progesterone has been used safely in early pregnancy for decades. According to the Charlotte Lozier Institute, ‘progesterone has been used to support healthy pregnancies since the 1950s,’” Dr. Christina Francis, board-certified OB-GYN and CEO of the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists, previously explained. “Natural progesterone is also commonly used for early pregnancy support in women with a history of recurrent pregnancy loss. That means healthier moms and babies!”
“Each life is precious and filled with promise and potential that, if not for tireless work of the APRN network, might not have had that second chance,” said Jor-El Godsey, president of Heartbeat International. “What a joy to celebrate this milestone of so many lives saved that they would overflow a concert hall!” […]
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