With so many people coming around to the idea of preparedness to varying degrees, it’s important to know two widely accepted truths when getting started. First and foremost, have a plan. Stockpiles of food, water, ammunition, medicines, and cash can all go to waste if you don’t have a plan laid out and oftentimes practiced.
Second, be ready to bug in OR bug out. I know people who take one or the other to the extreme. For some it’s a matter of circumstance; my friend’s 82-year-old mother in a wheelchair has no intentions of scurrying across the countryside but she’s loaded with food and plenty of shotgun shells should the need come for her to stay home without access for weeks, months, or even years. But others prepare for only bugging in or only bugging out even though they’re capable to do either. How we handle a nearby nuclear blast is very different from how we handle an economic collapse and martial law.
The folks at City Prepping put together the excellent video above that lays out five stages of a generic major disaster as well as five rules to follow in a crap-hits-the-fan scenario. It’s well worth the 20-minutes it takes to watch and should be shared widely.
We have no association with City Prepping. In fact, I can’t get them to answer my emails. BUT, I still respect their information and I often recommend many of their videos. You can check out their YouTube channel for other important information.
As a sixth rule to add to their list (which should actually be the first rule and the only one you really have to follow), I’d strongly recommend prayer before, during, and after a crap-hits-the-fan situation. I realize not everyone is a Bible-believing Christian, but my sincere hope is that our readers will strengthen their faith if they are believers or consider embracing the faith if they’re not. Regardless of how everything pans out for America, it’s imperative that our spiritual wellbeing is the top consideration. Stay frosty.
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