Mark Twain is often misattributed as saying, “It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.” The sentiment is definitely Twainesque, but he never said it. Nevertheless, it’s still true and demonstrable time and again in our post-truth society.
As more “normies” have started waking up to the reality that the Covid-19 “vaccines” are ineffective and dangerous, a lot are finding news way of defending their decisions to get jabbed rather than admitting it was a mistake. Conservative comic Scott Adams, who is most famous for creating the Dilbert comics, is not one of those people. He’s now admitting that “anti-vaxxers won” in regards to their decision.
In fact, he admitted it over and over again. Watch:
He took his revelation about being wrong about the jabs well, though I do take exception to one comment he made.
“All of my fancy analytics got me to a bad place,” he said. “All of your heuristics — ‘don’t trust these guys’ is obvious — totally worked.”
For many of us, it had nothing to do with heuristics. There was a mountain of evidence before the jabs were rolled out to make a lucid person skeptical. Here are just a few highlights of these:
- mRNA technology had been disastrous in ALL previous developments and tests, including horrible deaths for animal subjects a decade earlier.
- Anthony Fauci was leading the charge to promote the jabs, and as everyone should have been aware of before listening to him, his track record of giving advice in the early days of new diseases is abysmal. Lest we forget, this is the guy who went on national television to tell people they could catch AIDS just be being near an infected family member.
- One of the first nurses to get jabbed, Tiffany Dover, seemed to have an adverse reaction almost immediately. Some argue that she had a thing for needles, to which I would ask why they would pick someone who had a problem with needles to get jabbed on television? And why would she be a nurse if she’s scared of needles? And where is she now?
- Perhaps most importantly, by the time the jabs were ready to roll out, the death rates for Covid-19 had dropped dramatically. It was as if the numbers were artificially inflated ahead of the presidential election, only to have a perfectly timed miracle of three jabs simultaneously coming available a couple of weeks later.
That’s just the data before the first jab rolled out. Within three weeks after they became available to the public, we saw the claims go from “100% effective” to “99% effective” to “94% effective.” Within nine weeks the effectiveness had dropped under 90%, at which point they started shifting narratives from “breakthrough cases are rare” to “Covid vaccines don’t stop infection or transmission but they reduce hospitalizations.”
Then, they changed the definition of a “vaccine.” That should have made an intelligent person like Scott Adams think long and hard about his original calculus.
So, for Adams to say he applied “fancy analytics” while we applied heuristics is patently wrong. The data was available. The writing on the wall was extremely clear. Those who tried to reason through it all with “fancy analytics” either came to the right conclusion and didn’t get jabbed or their analytics were incorrect. Adams falls into the latter category. But at least he’s acknowledging the truth now. That’s more than we can say about most pro-vaxx celebrities.
Those of us mislabeled as “anti-vaxxers” was just another labeling game of Libocrats. The low-info group that has faux disdain for the other side (my side) being the actual evil pinners of labels. Libocrats have ZERO self-awareness.
Those of us that walk amongst the SARS-CoV-2 naturally immune are NOT against all vaccinations. We generally have our proven vaccines. We were simply smart enough, through the actual understanding of science, to know that any experimental drug is not a true “vaccine” without far greater efficacy data. With time being the deciding factor.
Specially, when it was known early on that 98.4% of the population “survived” this PLANNEDEMIC FLU.
Those that ran to get their failed experimental and detrimental drug at the behest of the Nanny Government are indeed living the American way via #PersonalResponsibility. YOU did it. YOU own it.
That is 100% on YOU for being an easily controlled lemming instead of an actual free thinking individual.
Those of us that followed the science are safe from the poison that so many others wontonly injected into their veins.
For those that love to be the constant contrarian, Donald J. Trump, simply have Americans another choice for their own health, HE did not mandate the jabs unlike the DemoNcrats. Freedom OVER everything.