Two things are happening simultaneously at rapid speed. Number 1: the implosion of American society. Number 2: The mad rush to begin a nuclear war with Russia.
Lunacy is reigning supreme among America’s ruling class. The elite are taking all of us over a steep cliff into a dark abyss. We have reach the critical time that real men must take action to save the country from total destruction. Look at what we experienced this week.
An armed transvestite murdered 3 innocent children and 3 adults in a Christian church school, and the indictment of a former president. The communist takedown of the USA is in full gear and receiving little resistance and pushback.
While the men of America refuse to pull together to confront this evil sex cult regime, it may be the Russian Federation that puts us out of our misery. World War III’s use of nuclear war is dangerously close today. We may be a month or two away from destruction. Let’s start with NATO’s lunatic march to a nuclear winter.
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Four paragraphs? Where is the article?
I’m curious, why wasn’t NATO dissolved when the USSR fell? Since when did their mission change from protecting Europe against the USSR to starting wars with Russia?
Starting wars with Russia? I guess invading two countries is ok.
Ok, I get it now. This is a new way of presenting podcasts or shows as “news articles”. Over an hour long video. Do they seriously think we have an hour for each “article” of our news? I can see it now: you have a choice of 8 news articles out of 50 before you have to go to sleep again. Eat while you watch. Use the restroom and pipe in the sound.
After hearing this news, Zelensky, The CIA’s CHOSEN Muppet DICtator, sent urgent messages to POTUS Biden (Pedophile Of The United States) DEMANDING several $BILLION MORE CASH be sent up the Ukrainian MONEY LAUNDROMAT along with MORE weapons…the Black Market is running low on supplies.
If there is a Nuclear war, we will all experience it, not just Hungary.
IT’s not for ZELENSKYY, It’s for the NWO, the Globalist elite.
IT’s not for ZELENSKYY, It’s for the NWO, the Globalist elite. They want a population of no more than 500 Million, so they need to get rid of around 8 billion people.
If they can’t beat the Ukranians, how do they expect to beat the West, it is the Russians who will need to body bags. They only won wars due to their Winter. Gortex can negate that.
What? Russia expects NATO to provide body bags for dead Russians? I know Russia is having economic difficulty but asking the enemy to provide body bags for their soldiers is absurd. But I guess since NATO won’t be needing any bags for NATO soldiers we could be nice and give the poor Russians some of our surplus bags.
NATO would have DESTROYED Russia in a week.
Russia invaded Ukraine, twice, and they will not stop, unless stopped. Nukes are always a risk with China and Russia.
They will also be MAD if launched.