(Daily Caller)—President Joe Biden’s Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is investigating video platform Rumble for undisclosed reasons, the agency confirmed...
When it was believed that Ray Epps would only spend six months in jail for his role in the January...
UPDATE 2: More videos are emerging from the incident: https://twitter.com/DD_Geopolitics/status/1744531085793636711 https://twitter.com/BGatesIsaPyscho/status/1744635307499126987 https://twitter.com/mishika_singh/status/1744541568969900314 This story is developing and we will monitor...
(Natural News)—A poll has shown that nearly 40 percent of Americans believe Joe Biden is an illegitimate president. The 2023...
(Natural News)—A new revelation has emerged about the late Kazakh-Russian model Ruslana Korshunova, who in 2008 leapt to her untimely death...
(WND)—The Taliban in Afghanistan, who took control of the nation when Joe Biden abruptly withdrew American military personnel, leaving behind...
(Zero Hedge)—Hezbollah on Saturday initiated what it announced as "an initial response" to Israel's assassination by drone of Hamas deputy chief Saleh...
(America First Report)—The promising career of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has taken a beating since he decided to run against...
I thought it was bad when a Michigan school district hid a girl's gender transition from her parents, but Michigan doesn't...
(DiscernTV)—Steve Burton is set to make a triumphant return to "General Hospital" after being fired in November 2021 due to...
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